Optec to Bring IR Laser Micromachining Capabilities to Georgia Tech’s LMMC
In Fall of 2018, IEN’s Laser Micro Machining Center (LMMC) will take delivery of Optec’s WS-FLEX-USP femtosecond, direct-write laser system configured to support the Institute’s diverse research interests as applied to texturing and surface modification of metals, ceramics, composites, polymers and glasses in the fields of biocompatible materials, microfluidics, flexible electronics, MEMS/NEMS microsystems, photovoltaics and energy storage. The Optec system will reside in one of the shared laboratories open to Georgia Tech academic users, small and large companies, and external academic and government research institutions.
The WS-FLEX IR femtosecond laser workstation with sub-500 fs pulse length will be equipped with 300 x 300 mm XY stages, a 2-D scan head, including synchronized infinite-field-of-view motion control, plus a fixed-beam cutting head with coaxial gas shielding for maximum versatility and a high definition, zoom inspection microscope under the control of the onboard ProcessPower and OptecCAD laser micro-machining software.